NRG Zwfit Ride Sat March 8:30am EST
While we can’t all ride together outside this weekend, we can ride together on Zwift. Join NRGPT Coach, JJ Neely on Saturday March 28th at 8:30 EST for an Endurance Ride. We will all start together and you can decide how long you want to ride. This training Meet Up will ride the Figure 8 Reverse route in Watopia. Each loop is approximately 55-60minutes. Join for 1, 2 or 3 loops of the ride. All abilities are welcome.
Next Steps:
1. Have a Zwift account.
2. Follow JJ Neely to get the invitation to the NRGPT Endurance Ride Meet Up. Without this invitation you will not locked in and identified as a group member. The rubber band will be in effect to keep the group together, so you can ride at your coach prescribed watts. This means some people speed will be faster than normal and others will be a little slower in order to keep the group together. This will be a Z2 ride with some Z3 in the hills (1.8-2.5 watts/kg)
3. Accept meet up invitation
4. Log on to Zwift and be on the bike at 8:25 EST with hydration, fuel, a towel and a fan. Ride will roll at exactly 8:30 am EST
5. Ride on!
Questions can be directed to