Lactate Testing
**** Please note we are no longer offering Lactate Testing at this time****
Lactate testing is the most accurate way to determine your individual training zones. Lactate is a by-product of the incomplete breakdown of carbohydrates in the muscle cell. The changing level of lactate in your blood stream, at different heart rates, is an indicator of the system that your body is using to fuel itself. These changing levels of lactate in the system help us to determine the proper zones for each athlete to perform different types of workouts (recovery, endurance, tempo etc)
NRG PT is a certified FACT Test Centre and we use the FACT lactate test to determine your individual heart rate and power zones. The FACT test determines the heart rate at the point just before you start to steadily accumulate lactate, this is the Lactate Balance Point. Your lactate balance point heart rate is used to set up your training zones and the corresponding speed/power is an indictor of your current fitness level. With appropriate training, your lactate balance point heart rate and speed/power will change over time and needs to be periodically checked and re-evaluated. This will ensure that you are training and racing at the optimal heart rates, power levels or speeds. This evaluation and re-evaluation in-turn ensures that your performance continues to improve.
The FACT test consists of 2 parts; the first is a ramp test to determine performance and changes in performance over time. This involves approximately 8 steps where by speed (running) or wattage (cycling) is increased every 3min and a note of the heart rate at the end of each step is taken. This sets out the Speed vs. Heart Rate line (blue line) in the graph. The Lactate vs. Heart Rate curve (red curve in the graph) is used to determine the Lactate Balance Point heart rate. This part of the test checks the body's lactate clearance ability. A lactate sample is taken at the termination of the initial ramp test. The effort level is then reduced and fixed at a certain heart rate. This heart rate is then maintained for 5min in order to allow the stabilization of lactate. The heart rate level is then increased by 5-10beats (through control of the speed or wattage) with a lactate sample taken at the end of each 5min step. The increasing heart rate steps will continue until there is an increase in lactate, at this point the test is completed. The Lactate Balance Point heart rate is then determined by the lowest point on the Lactate vs. Heart Rate curve. For a more detailed explanation of the test please visit the Fact website
- Level I athletes: FACT testing is included in your coaching fee
- Level II athletes: $100+HST
- Non-coached Athletes: $130+HST